Lobo & Meredith McKenzie

Discover the Power of Horse Sense for Humans: Transform Your Leadership and Communication Skills


Welcome to Horse Sense for Humans (HS4H), a revolutionary human development program offered by Urban Rancho, Inc. If you’re looking to enhance your leadership and non-verbal communication skills, you’ve come to the right place. HS4H leverages the timeless wisdom of human-horse interactions to help leaders and their teams unlock new levels of perception, ‘feel,’ and partnership. Through direct, on-the-ground engagement with horses, participants experience profound personal and professional growth.

Our Unique Learning Approach

At HS4H, we combine modern insights with centuries-old human-equine dynamics to offer a transformative learning experience. As a lifetime member of the global International Horse Assisted EAHAE.org professional association and a Certified Facilitator of America’s top equine experiential leadership development program, TeachingHorse.com, our lead facilitator Meredith McKenzie brings unparalleled expertise. With over 30 years of experience as a business leader, Emmy-nominated television producer, and elected official, Meredith is dedicated to guiding you through this unique journey.

Lobo, Dusty & Meredith

Meet Our Equine Coaches

Unlike traditional executive coaching programs, our primary coaches are not humans but horses. Our stable includes two exceptional equine coaches:

  • Lobo: A 25-year-old American quarter horse and former rodeo roping champion. Known as ‘the sheriff,’ Lobo is a strong and calm leader who excels in guiding participants through leadership exercises.

  • A Fistful of Dollars aka Dusty: A 19-year-old American Mustang, Dusty brings a creative and entertaining approach to his interactions. Rounded up by the BLM from Nevada, Dusty has been a cherished member of our team for the past three years.

Dusty, Lobo & Meredith McKenzie

The HSH Process

Our program is designed for individuals and teams aged 16 and older, focusing on three key stages to ensure safety and maximize learning:

  1. Initial Online Webinar: An introduction to the horse-assisted education process.
  2. Observation Session: An onsite visit to observe non-verbal leadership exercises involving human-horse interactions.
  3. Direct Interaction: A one-on-one session with your chosen equine coach, where you’ll tackle a personal or organizational challenge through a series of ground exercises and obstacles.

Lobo & Dusty @ Horse Sense for Humans

Experiencing the Herd Dynamic

In addition to individual training, we offer field trips to observe wild horse herd dynamics. Understanding these natural leadership and organizational behaviors provides invaluable insights for modern human teams:

  1. Day Trip to Tehachapi: Spend a day with the Oak Creek Horses, a free-roaming herd that offers a firsthand look at their natural behaviors and interactions.
  2. Weeklong Trip to Return to Freedom: Visit this renowned mustang sanctuary on California’s Central Coast to immerse yourself in the world of wild horses and burros.

Who We Serve

Our program caters to a diverse clientele, including law enforcement, emergency services personnel, at-risk teenagers, corporate executives, entrepreneurs, and addiction recovery programs. We provide a confidential and supportive environment where participants can develop their non-verbal communication skills and leadership abilities.

About Our Founder

Meredith McKenzie, a native of Northeast Ohio, grew up surrounded by horses in a community where they were integral to daily life. Her lifelong interaction with horses has shaped her success in business, non-profits, and politics. Meredith’s commitment to ethical behavior and community service underpins the HSH program, making it a unique and impactful coaching experience.

Lobo & Meredith McKenzie

Join Us at Altadena Stables

We are excited to be leasing the north end of Altadena Stables for our coaching program. This location offers the perfect blend of accessibility, privacy, and comfort, providing an ideal setting for our transformative sessions. Participants will also have the opportunity to explore other programs at Altadena Stables, further enriching their experience.

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and professional growth with Horse Sense for Humans. Discover how the ancient wisdom of horse-human dynamics can transform your leadership and communication skills. Join us today and experience the profound impact of Horse Sense for Humans.

Dusty & Lobo

Horse Sense For Humans logo 2bcrop

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